Sunday, October 10, 2010

Knowing God...

 The other day in class Dr. B was talking about Mysticism. He gave the class their view on how to get to God/ know Him. He talked about the three stairways getting to God. The first being the outside world( creation etc.), then the second stairway is the inside(looking at our inner life) and then the third being complete revelation of God(Monogism). As I was taking notes of this and was contemplating these views I became distressed and frustrated with this way of knowing God. I took this class especially seriously becuase I have been asking this question for the past couple of years. Afterwards I went to talk to Dr. B as I usually do to ask him a few questions that are exploding in my mind. I asked him if he agrees with this view of knowing God. He said the only way we can come to know the Father is through Jesus."He that sees Me sees the Father..." "He that knows Me knows the Father..."-Jesus. I told him, "But how do we do that since we don't have Jesus here with us physically like the disciples did." Dr. B said that we have the gospels and we have the opportunity to have the mind of Christ. To desire to think and live as He does. In this way I can know the Father. This has been right in front of me all the time but sometimes the obvious isn't clear until that day of REVELATION! Im so happy about this truth. If I didn't get anything else from this semster(which I am!:) it would be worth it.

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