My lovely tall mother came to visit this last week. I went to the end of our long gravel driveway to meet her in the dark of the night. As a car pulled onto the road I couldnt make out the person's face for the darkness. I said "mom, is that you?"... no reply. "MOM?" still no reply, only a glare from an unknown person. I ran to get back into my car with much fright asking my summit friends to lock the door. "Who is it? Isn't that your mom?" They asked. I don't know but Im scared. The car started to drive away. But then it stopped and started to back up to us! All of a sudden a figure moved from out of the car towards us. "Mom, is that you?" I asked in apprehension. And so it was my mother. After much confusion, a big hug and laughter I came to find out that her window was broken and would not roll down.
Mom and I have enjoyed our time together. She has fit in quite snugly here at semester, becoming the students adopted mom. She went skiing with 6 other students and Mary, my mentor. She had her first lesson in skiing with the end being one of screaming and a close greeting with some trees. I filmed it.
She made cinnamon rolls with me and another student. She has brought home to me and I am happy. She is leaving tomorrow morning and will be missed by more than just me.
I praise my Heavenly Father for my earthly mother, or as some here call her "Mama Stone".
Tonight we will be having the highschoolers out to the lodge to do small groups with them as well as lead praise songs with them. It shall be a challenging and fun time.